"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Those That Can Run, Run

Back at work on Wednesday and I’ve gone in the car, only to realise that I’m out in Derby tonight. So I bring the car back home at lunchtime and go back to work on the bus. The boys were pleased to see me and to get a quick romp.

I was a bit bemused why there were bits of white plastic everywhere. Turns out someone had pinched a plastic food tray out of the sink and destroyed it. So the puppy is clearly now capable of getting his beak in the sink.

Those that can run, run. L and Daughter do Colwick on Thursday, the Sunrise City 5K on Friday and then Notfast on Sunday. Meanwhile I’m think about taking up something safer, like golf. Although I’m sure I could injure myself playing golf.

I’m also in London for work on Friday but for once I don't have to get up early because I was already up, for the Sunrise City 5K which started at 5:30am. The meeting in London was at least surprisingly pleasant and constructive.

Saturday brings England’s Quarter Final with Sweden and a remarkably straightforward 2-0 win. Onwards to the Semi Finals. 

(Sunday 8th July)

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