"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Life's Essentials

We drive up to Scarborough today for the Tour de Yorkshire and pop in to see an ex-colleague of L's for a quick coffee on the way. She's in Horbury, just off the M1 J39.

L has offered a decent compensation package, for this little diversion and also for one on the way back to the hospital to see her brother, which involves two of life's three essentials. Not a bad deal and I didn’t even try to negotiate.

While we are there, munching on cake, the car nearly gets raided by the RSPCA after a goody two-shoes neighbour threatens to call them because Doggo is looking a bit distressed in the back of the car. That is actually his natural look and we had only just put all the windows up ten minutes earlier to prevent him being stoned to death by a passing hail storm.

We are camping in the North Bay area of Scarborough on a Caravan and Camping Club site which is less than a mile from Sunday's start line.

I eat a rather large pre-event curry (third essential ticked) at The Ivanhoe pub accompanied of a couple of Yorkshire Blondes (pints).

Today has been stage two of the three stage race but also the one day Women’s Tour de Yorkshire which has been heralded as a ground breaking event on the same 136km course as the men. One thing is different, the sponsors. You don’t often see the Aunt Bessie’s Queen of the Sprint Jersey or the Mug Shot’s Queen of the Mountain Jersey.

Sadly the plane, which assembles all the motorbike and helicopter footage, suffered a significant mechanical failure and no one got to see it. 

(Saturday 30th April)

Friday, 29 April 2016

Cake May Be The Answer

I meet my brother for lunch and as he’s another one who’s not into walking anywhere he drives us to Five Lamps, which makes a change at least, because the Brunswick is a nightmare to park at. Sadly the beers were all pale apart from a rather tempting 5.2% Porter but I didn’t indulge, despite my 50 dark beers in a year pledge. I had their house beer from Derby Brewery instead.

L skips the gym and heads home to bake, cake is the answer apparently. Not sure what the question is?

I run after work with the intention of building on the seven miles I did last Friday but I have to abort after my calf goes tight during my warm up. Not good. I get the bus to Bramcote from where I attempt a light jog and then limp my way through six beat boxes doing Beat the Street instead. I bump into L and the dogs on the park, doing some sneaky beat boxing themselves. Although L mutters something about it not being safe being home alone with something chunky and chocolatey lurking in the bedroom. Ah, the giant Toblerone that stands watch in the corner, it was for Daughter but she asked us to save her from it and now I have to save L from it. 

(Friday 29th April)

Thursday, 28 April 2016

The Ambience Of The Evening

The other day I was on about Nottingham having a separate Marathon and Birmingham have just announced that they will have one next year for the first time since 1985. It will be a separate race albeit on the same day as the existing half but in the morning with the half moving to the afternoon. It is being organised by Great Run as part of their new British Marathon Series which will see two other new UK marathons created. Could be a good one for my marathon début.
There’s always one of us in for physio, today its L’s turn. She been told not to run before the 12th May which is when her next appointment is. So, at her request, I charge her bike lights. This implies that she might be cycling and I guess needs must. What with Beat the Streets and all that. She does like a challenge.

There is no squash this week as there are no courts available. So I go to the gym instead. The velodrome now has a row of Watt Bikes outside the gym facing the track. So now you can watch the track cycling as you pedal statically but unfortunately now you have your back to the girls on the treadmills so you can’t watch them. Suppose you can’t have everything.

Yesterday was my birthday, today is MD's. He gets offered sausages, I didn’t. Not that I wanted some but it’s nice to be asked. In any case, I’m sure MD would have preferred to have a Chinese takeaway delivered. he likes the whole ambience of the evening. A bit of football, a bark at the delivery man, prawn crackers etc but we disappoint him by not ordering out. 

(Thursday 28th April)