On Boxing Day we run my Dad over to my Brother’s and stay
for a Prosecco, even me, before heading back home for a quiet day on our own after
spending the past few days sorting Christmas for everyone else. We ponder going
but there are not that many places open.
Then, of course, our central heating packs up.
Luckily, sort of, we are out for most of the next day. I
drop L with my Dad and then I walk the Lad down to the Aston Walk where we do
the short route. This is about 2.3 miles and takes us about 40 minutes. We
do it while avoiding my Brother and his dog, overtaking them at one point by
crossing to the opposite side of a big field. The two dogs wished each other a brief
Happy Christmas earlier and that was more than enough socialisation.
We then meet L and my Dad at the Memorial Hall because he is
keen to go down for a coffee and to eat a few mince pies. He also wants to see
if he knows anyone to chat to. To which the answer is largely no, mainly
and sadly because he’s outlived most of them.
We then all go for lunch at Dog & Duck. Which is a last
resort (obviously) because the New Inn is fully booked and the Shakespeare have
decided not to do food today. Meanwhile the Dog & Duck is very quiet (as
usual) but there is still a long wait to be served (as usual). It is amazing how you
can run a place (or not run a place) on so few staff but they’re been doing it
successfully\unsuccessfully for years.
Then it’s back to my Dad to catch Derby’s game with Bolton on
Surprisingly our heating gets fixed the next day and a day
earlier than they had said. It was just a five minute job to replace a valve
and then viola we have heat again.
I suppose having it broken has saved us a few pounds given the
price of gas at the moment although all the money the Government has been
throwing at us means our bills are far less than they were last year.
Pensioners get even more help so my Dad has been cranking his up but L’s Mum
has done the opposite and practically turned hers off for good. L takes her to see her GP with a chest
infection today. I hope the two things aren’t related.
In the evening I’m out with my friend in Derby. First in the Flowerpot
(not what it used to be a few years ago) and then the Dolphin (still nowhere near what
it used to be a several decades ago). Then we eat in the Exeter from where L
picks me up.
On Thursday we go over to Leamington to see Son and his wife
We take my Dad with us and we eat in the White Horse and exchange presents.
On Friday Derby’s crap Christmas schedule has us playing in
the evening despite all the days off everyone has had. Yet again we get no games on Boxing Day or New Years Day as was once the
L volunteers at Wollaton Parkrun on New Year's Eve and then
both of us (yes both) run Forest Rec Parkrun on New Year's Day.
For New Year's Eve evening we take my Dad (who’s
having a wild Christmas) to Miller & Carter then we all fall asleep, as is
tradition, in front of Hootenanny. He stays over again.
(Sunday 1st