L and the Lad get rammed by one of the deer on Wollaton Park. Part of some vigilante group known as ‘The Guardians of Lime Tree Avenue’, or something like that, that she says she was warned about the other week. Battered and bruised she spends the week WFH. The Lad is fine but I think he hid behind L.
Tuesday is tennis and then Wednesday is our Civil
Partnership with Daughter and Son as witnesses but sadly Covid strikes and Son
can’t make it. My Dad is a very willing stand in and has a great morning out in
Nottingham especially as we bring him into the city centre on the tram all the
way from Toton. Which is a first for me as well as for him.
Then I have a Committee Meeting in Shardlow on Thursday as
we complete preparations for our Summer Show.
I visit my Mum in hospital every other day with my Dad
insisting on the calming influence of a pint in a pub afterwards. On the Friday
L comes over to do some cleaning for my Dad and meets us in his local White Hart
afterwards with the Lad of course.
Sadly my Mum’s Covid has now progressed to pneumonia. She
isn’t responding to the antibiotics and as my Mum is so weak they have started
end of life care.
On Saturday L and Daughter parkrun at Colwick where they also
eye up the post-parkrun open water swimming. They decide to return the next day
for the Sunday morning swim. The Lad and I again support.
On Saturday evening we go for a curry with some friends of
mine who we haven’t seen properly since before the pandemic apart from me
doorstepping them one evening and last month’s Feeder gig. We meet in the new,
but now dwindling in favour with us because it is too noisy, Whistle and Flute.
Then we go to Mem Saab where we meet up with Daughter, whose birthday it is
today. Afterwards we discover that both the Royal Children and the Ned Ludd no
longer have any real ale which is disappointing.
After Sunday’s visit to the hospital the four of us, my Dad, L, the Lad and me go for Roast beef cobs in Exeter. Where we also get an offer to swap the Lad for two rabbits. It’s considered but declined.
(Sunday 26th June)
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