"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 31 March 2024

Culture Week

L is briefly in work on Monday but then comes home when she doesn’t have a boss. He is now in France for the rest of Easter.

L’s Tuesday night is with a vicar doing a book talk or something like that. I’m in Notsa with my deaf again Father. Notsa, which was so promising when it opened, is now going rapidly downhill with less beer, less food and less opening hours. Hopefully it’s not on its last legs.

Sadly the Derby Brewery which owns the pub is on its last legs or at least its pub management company is which means the Brewery Tap and the Greyhound are both being sold but apparently Notsa isn’t.

We are getting cultural this week. We are listening to James O'Brien reading (and ranting) his way through his own book ‘How They Broke Britain’ while watching on TV (yes, actual TV) the Covid-19 drama Breathtaking written by Dr Rachel Clarke.

We are both off on Friday which is Good Friday. L visits her Dad at the care home where there’s been a scabies outbreak so she has to wear PPE. Both her Dad and Mum have it, so her Mum is not allowed to visit at the moment.

Derby have a match and beat Blackpool 1-0. In the evening we stay in with a bottle of red and a homemade curry.

Saturday sees us going up to Graves Park in Sheffield for parkrun where we have post-run coffee and a bacon sandwich at the Rose Garden cafe. Where we also join their campaign to keep it open. It’s covered in scaffolding at the moment to stop it falling down.

Back home it's time to give the lawn its first cut of the year and for the first time in quite a while it’s actually not raining. Post-lawn recovery is of course in the Plough drinking their new 5.1% Bendigo.

On Sunday we do a family run. L, Daughter, the Lad and myself. We run 4k. Then I head over to my Dad’s to do his lawn. L joins us to wield the hoover. She has a PT session later at 7pm, so I join her in the gym which is nice and quiet as it’s a Sunday. 

(Sunday 31st March)

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