"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 25 March 2024

Feeder (Nottingham)

I start the week at Rock City. 

Support comes from Cameron Hayes. Who are in fact two people but the singer informs us that she is actually Cameron and the other person on stage, a drummer, is not. Then what we get is, without trying to be too unkind, karaoke. We hear guitar, bass and keyboards emanating from the stage alongside the drums and vocals. Spooky. There’s even a backing singer hiding somewhere. It keeps costs down I suppose.

For the record the drumming is fine and Cameron Hayes is a very able singer but, sorry, this is just not my idea of live music. It’s quite irritating really. 

Feeder is my idea of live music and for my second gig of their tour I turned up well-rehearsed as regards their new material. Five of the six tracks they are playing from their as yet to be released new album ‘Black/Red’ have been made available on YouTube.

The band also seem better ‘rehearsed’, and should be this far into the tour, than they were at the Lincoln gig last week and hopefully free of the illness that’s dogged them. It certainly all seems to hang together a lot better tonight and the crowd were way more into it. 

I’m really liking ‘The Knock’ and ‘Playing With Fire’ to which Grant Nicholas tries to get a mosh pit together. He tried that at Lincoln as well and nothing happened but here Rock City obliges and it gets livelier still when ‘Come Back Around’ and ‘Insomnia’ follow it. 

Then comes a rare outing for their second ever single 1996’s ‘Tangerine’, resurrected and revived with extra umph. That makes my night. Then it’s the tried and trusted finale starting with ‘High’, followed by ‘Buck Rogers’ and ‘Just A Day’ with newbie ‘Soldiers Of Love’ in the middle after an encore break.

Feeder are loud and on fire tonight and Rock City explodes in appreciative ticker-tape at the end.

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