"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 4 September 2022


On Saturday L and Daughter parkrun at Bestwood while the Lad and I spectate. Afterwards we look at cars with Daughter and think we have found a suitable replacement for her current one that seems about to expire. Seemingly inspired by the Astras I have for the last thirty years and that have ferried her around the country she is joining the Astra club just as I have decamped to VW. It does look a good buy, now she just needs to get it past her +1 and her Dad. 

In the afternoon there’s a match against Plymouth which doesn’t go very well. 

ENTER 2022 – The Available Car Wilne 10k

On Sunday it’s the Wilne 10k that I have more or less talked L into as I needed it as a warm up race for the Robin Hood Half Marathon that I’m now not doing. Nor am I doing Wilne either as simply walking is still proving to be difficult.

We did the first ever Wilne back in 2011 and we thought we’d ran it again since but we can’t find any record of that, so perhaps we dreamt it. My time in 2011… 41:48. I was quite good back then. L did it in 56:27, we were both quite good back then. 

(Sunday 4th September)

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