"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Ploughing Bones

L has her last physio session on Monday. She is pummelled and then discharged for good behaviour. My pummelling comes later on the velodrome. 

The rest of week is fairly quiet, dog training etc oh and some work for both of us. L is on a day off on Thursday and out with her friends for a walk. She is the only one on the Red Arrow. That’s what you get when you don’t allow pensioners on for free. All other buses do but not the Red Arrow. It is also exempt from the current £2 fare scheme.

Friday is Good Friday, so a day off work and a match away at Forest Green Rovers. It is streamed on Rams TV so I go round to my Dad’s to watch it with him.

I take the Lad with me and L hits the gym which she says is very quiet but I bet someone still hogged the leg press.

On Saturday L makes her comeback at parkrun although it’s a gradual comeback as she does tail-walking duties at Wollaton.

In the evening we’re ploughing bones at Nottingham Playhouse or rather ‘Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead’ is what the play is called.

Where to start. It's a very odd affair set somewhere remote in Poland where a series of grisly murders are occurring to members of the local hunting club. The main character, an eccentric elderly lady, is pushing the theory that the murders are being carried out by other animals in an act of revenge on behalf of their comrades. So this is no normal murder mystery. Highly improbable would be an underestimation.

As she dictates most of the play it becomes a bit of a rant and what could have been a voice of reason for saving the animals is generally dismissed by everyone concerned as the ranting of the local mad lady as she goes on about not just animal cruelty but also astrology, her many ailments and the poet William Blake while also seeming to exist in her own personal legal system.

In her defence she is she is far from the only wacky character on show here and she does a good job of exposing the right wing politics of most of the locals but her own views remain mostly unchallenged. A saner lead character may have offered more a credible message or perhaps I'm missing the point.

However it is good to be back at the theatre after a very long break from it.

(Sunday 9th April)

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