"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Festivals Of Hills And Acappella

Today I am up in Chesterfield for the Spire 10 Miler which is organised by North Derbyshire Running Club. The race starts and ends at Holmebrook Valley Park. It’s not flat.

In fact the climbing starts almost immediately, this is then followed by more climbing but they do say it's worth it for the great views. Not that I was looking anywhere other than at my feet and the road in front of me. It does also go down in places. This is, I suppose, what you call proper old school road running. A race against the course, rather than against the other runners. Which is a good excuse for not being as good as I once was. I enjoyed it.

The race is sponsored by Brampton Brewery and for the second time in a week I am handed a bottle of beer at the end. I enjoyed that too.

My time of 1:25:35 is two minutes slower than in the Notts 10 but then it was a little more undulating.

In the evening we are off for a wild night out in West Bridgford. We have been invited to AcappellaFest at the Lutterell Hall, which is basically Glastonbury for Acappella choirs but indoors, for one evening only and without the food and the alcohol. 

It's packed and mainly with regulars who seem very possessive and won't even give us a seat to sit on. Eventually after kicking up a minor incident they do relent and give is a chair each.

I actually find it to be a mildly entertaining despite the lack of fluids and the hyperactive leader of the choirs, who keeps us entertained between tunes. However L insists we do a runner during the interval, which we do, but only as far as the Stratford Haven where we spend the rest of the evening. 

(Sunday 7th July)

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