"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 7 March 2021

Couch To Somewhere

L's work reopens this week but she only goes in for one day on Tuesday which means my coffee consumption, without the constant supply she offers, only dips for the one day.

She admits it’s not the same as being at home because she doesn’t have a dog accompanying her to the toilet. That’s easily solved. I can soon drop The Lad off with her if she’s missing his company.

The Robin Half launches optimistically for September. Should I be fit enough and should it look like actually going ahead then I may slot in an entry just before the closing date.

Wednesday is our 25th Non-Wedding Anniversary, that’s 175 years in dog years, but we’re rank newbies compared to my parents’ 70th Wedding Anniversary which is next week.

I go into work myself on Thursday as being there in person is probably the old way of fixing a long running problem with a printer. I bike there and cross over the new bridge into Pride Park for the first time. The ride was pretty grim knee wise and the war wound is very sore afterwards but I assume it did me some good. I find some porridge in the back of a cupboard at work and manage to make myself some breakfast.

At home I thought the Lad would be a bit upset that I’d abandoned him but he doesn’t at first seem to have noticed but then later he is on the stairs waiting for my return. Well I assume that’s what he’s waiting for, he could just be looking out for cats or something.

I do get to sort the printer out but spend more time catching up with people as work is surprisingly busy. Then I struggle home against a head wind with tired legs, a sore knee and a bad back.

Saturday was due to have been my first running ‘event’ for some time, had I been fit enough, but the Nottingham CheckPoint Challenge has gone virtual so we reschedule for the next running of it in April. Also due Saturday but cancelled is Son’s wedding attempt #3, now rescheduled for September.

Instead I bike to Aston to watch the match. It is much easier than on Thursday although there is no wind this time. My knee seems a little better which might be due to the warmup the Lad gave it with a ball session on the park.

I don't know how I ended up on Strava but their monthly emails make grim reading as they inform me how bad my running stats have become. February's summary say that I had just five active days (which is appalling enough) but then it says that’s a total of 17km (shocking) but that’s 15km more than January (atrocious) in 1h 46m (shoot me now) which 1m more than January. Must do better.

On Sunday, Daughter wants us to guide her out to Phoenix Park, somewhere we’ve never actually been, which we do and then have a kettlebell\dog session (not combined) on Forest Rec.

Then back at home L and I do a run\walk session on our Couch to 5k quest. I then jog off to do a bit more but my knee gives out a few minutes in and I have to walk back. Which isn’t promising.

L gets a notification to say she can now get her vaccination. Unfortunately, Nottingham has, temporarily we hope, ran out of vaccine and all their centres are shut. She books Derby Arena instead.

 (Sunday 7th March)

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