Back home and straight into the rest of a Bank Holiday weekend although there’s no rest for the wicked 0n Sunday as we do a morning
10k. At least we have the whole of Monday at home to recover from it.
On Tuesday I bite the bullet and return to work. We’re
supposed to be taking lateral flow tests before we go in but it seems no one is
bothering because, well, we know they don’t really work.
L’s author friend says her husband is concerned that I have folded and returned
to work before the end of ‘work from home if you can’. He desperately
doesn't want to go back. I suppose I mainly returned because I felt I was being
antisocial by not doing so as we’ve had several new staff I’ve never met. Of
course the Lad will now be saying I’m being antisocial by not spending my days
with him.
I go on the bus as I’m out in Derby in the evening and
surprisingly the bus is busy in that I had to go to about three rows from the
back to get a seat to myself. Using the bus also involves attempting to use Trent
Barton’s hugely annoying Mango App now that they’ve scrapped the plastic card.
Of course ‘out in Derby’ means outside in Derby and it’s not
the warmest of nights. My friend starts to turn blue with cold after only a couple of
pints so we have to call it a night. He’s clearly not had the practice of sitting
outside pubs that don’t allow dogs in the middle of winter.
An Indian delegation pops over to London for talks with our government...
and are forced to self-isolate after several of them test positive for
coronavirus. Yeah, there is this Indian variant you know.
On Thursday I cycle to work while L has a workout in the gym
where there is no hand gel, no one way system, no chalky striped arrows and lots of
people but then this isn’t a council gym.
Then she goes to vote, at a council run facility, and where
they have a one-way system round the side of the building, all marked
with chalk in 2m wide stripes and oodles of hand gel which must be applied before you
touch one of their pencils.
They had three staff on hand - one to take her name, one to
hand her the voting slip, and one assumes the third one was to decontaminate the
pencils although she was the only person there but then we only have a police
commissioner election.
She did volunteer to be one those staff as it’s on her
bucket list but then found out that she wouldn't be volunteering. She would be paid £40 for doing some online
training and £20 for simply being on standby in case needed. Don’t know what
the rate is if you’re actually needed. Maybe next year.
Friday is again 5k run day and now also Amaretto coffee
Friday, making use of my birthday present from Son and a throwback to many
skiing holidays. Which, who knows, may one day return.
Saturday is L’s birthday and the present she didn’t know she
wanted is that Derby somehow stay up by the skin of their teeth with a 3-3 draw
against Sheffield Wednesday in the last match of the season.
On Sunday will do another morning 10k.
(Sunday 9th May)
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