"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 22 October 2021


After spending Monday getting back from Portsmouth I work from home on Tuesday to give the boys some company before we all go off to the match in the evening. That is my Dad and I at the match and L Mum sitting. 

I have entered the Derby Half Marathon, which is at the end of November, while L, Daughter and Daughter’s +1 have all piled into the 5 miler. So that’s four of us who need to start doing some training.

L says that if I beat her she will cry. Given that we are on different courses that would take some doing. She would have to take longer to do the five miles than she did for 10 miles at the weekend. She says anything is possible... but not with my knees. At least she would get her money’s worth as the race works out at about a fiver per mile.

On Wednesday I am again not in the Derby office as I head down to our Southern office for some training just as our new owners arrive in Derby to give a presentation on the ‘future’. Having survived some horrendous weather, mainly torrential rain, on the way down I then have just two hours with the guys down south before we all have to Teams in remotely to watch the takeover festivities (if that’s the right word) which takes up most of the afternoon.

Meanwhile the hot news from Nottingham is that Daughter as had two 2 ‘Suddys’ in one day. None for months and then they come along like buses. This should finally get her police training signed off.

In the evening I go out in Horsham, eating first in the Brewhouse & Kitchen before heading off to visit a micro pub I liked the look of the last time I was here but that was closed because I came on a Monday. Now I see it has closed down completely.

I do find a place called Piries Bar which is nice but limited in its beer range. Much better is the Malt Shovel and I will head straight here next time I come down.

On Thursday we head to the same country hall as last time for a dedicated training day without further interruption.

I am finally back in the Derby office on Friday and I do so by bike. My colleague doesn’t join me as I see that he’s having his own WFH day clearly to avoid cycling in what was bloody windy conditions.

(Friday 22nd October)

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