"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Research Purposes

Monday is a bank holiday and with us heading off to the Faroe Islands on Thursday this means it’s just a two day working week for us.

L heads over to Mickleover on Tuesday to try out their running club and to visit her folks. They apparently have her down to do ‘Slower Snake Intervals’ which sounds like some sort of speed session for the speed phobic. I’m sure she’ll enlighten me later.

I do my speed session on my bike to work on Thursday, as I’m running late, again.

Once at work, it’s time for a Huel bar. They have been giving away free samples of these as a ‘work perk’ but I think they’re having problems finding someone who can stomach them. Even L’s chucked one in the bin and she claims to be the human version of the Lad. Her company has a whole box of them and she ‘kindly’ donated one to me but she says the texture is a bit like soil, which isn't really selling it to me. I may give it a go for research purposes... but not today

(Wednesday 29th August)

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