"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 10 September 2021

Fourth Time Of Asking

Monday is Son’s Wedding eighteen months late and at the fourth time of asking thanks to the pandemic. 

We have been concerned for a while whether my Mum would be up to going but we get her there in the end although L has to get her ready which makes us late. Once there my Dad proceeds to drink his way along the bar, well he has been locked down for a long time. 

We're not quite a late as Daughter, who has a bit of a saga with her +1's trousers that we won't go into but we're all there in good time for when the action starts.

It’s a good day with the wedding outside in amazing weather then a buffet tea, followed by roast lamb cobs for an evening feast alongside the disco where Son will only dance with L if it’s to Feeder.

We have decided not to stay over, so that we don’t have to put the boys in Kennels again as they are going in next weekend, so I do the driving duties and let L get sloshed (and dance madly to Feeder)

Then it's back to work on Tuesday and dog training where it’s tunnel aversion training for the Lad.

Wednesday I bike, meet my ex-colleague for lunch and then play tennis.

L meanwhile gets pinged as Son’s step-mother tests positive although we’re not sure if that’s where the ping came from. Oddly I don’t get pinged and I was sat next to her during the Wedding service.

Thursday I have a committee meeting and Friday I’m back on the bike. 

(Friday 10th September)

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