"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 25 May 2018

A Reoccurring Theme

I do a run with the two girls on Sunday, L and Daughter. We meet up at Forest Rec and then run to Beeston. I get the bus home from there while they head back to Forest Rec to pick up the car. The boys are left at home and the Lad only has time to accumulate two tea towels plus a few toys in the hall. He seems disappointed at my quick return.

In the evening we head over to Leamington to see Son, where we take dogs in the White Horse. Son’s GF is on crutches, having apparently broken her ankle falling off a ledge while taking a selfie or something like that.

Monday night dog training is allegedly starting up again and the Lad will just love it. Although it won’t be starting this week... not enough people. This could (again) be a reoccurring theme.

The Lad’s haul in hall today is two tea towels, a dish cloth, two dog toys, a pair of knickers and a bottle of multi surface cleaner. WTF.

On Tuesday Gary Rowett leaves Derby for Stoke. Ha ha. The grass is always greener eh Gary... But Stoke? Really? I spend Tuesday in London, waiting three hours for someone from our customer’s IT department to turn up.

Wednesday, I’m on the bike and in the Yard (for beer and pizza) then later at dog training.

After a particularly fraught morning dog walk on Tuesday L reports that boys were angels on Wednesday morning and asks if I’ve had a word in their ears? How odd. I’ve been having a word in MD’s ear for 10 years. Never worked before.

Thursday I’m on the bike again and get home to be greeted by the Lad with bits of shredded dish cloth hanging from his mouth. Good to know he’s kept himself amused again. Then it’s tennis for me while L is out on the lash in Derby. We meet her off the bus later.

Friday is a touch wet, so I don’t bike and the rain keeps all sensible dog owners indoors so L and the boys have a pleasant morning walk as there’s no one for MD to fall out with.

(Friday 25th May)

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