"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 3 May 2019

Teeth Marks

L complains there are teeth marks in her orange. I’m not sure why she’s acting surprised, he doesn’t like oranges. Then she’s sorting out her credit card fraud, someone registered her with a spa and now her bank have blocked her credit card. Perhaps she could ask them if they could leave it blocked?

I haven’t been getting on with my new iphone 6s, so I take my old iphone SE into an Apple shop to see if they can fix it. They take one look at the charging port, give it quick clean and hand it back to me. Now it works again. Easy peasy when you have the knowhow. 02 wouldn’t even look at it when I took it in there.

There is a bit of stink locally because a runner from a local club was asked by the London Marathon to be an Official Pacer for 7:30. Then apparently they hassled her for being too slow, closed water stations and asked her group to move onto the pavement. Now I’m not sure they should have pacers going down that far but having decided to have an official one they really should have treated them properly.

Meanwhile L says she “can't get this bloody marathon off my mind!” Four of us doing Brighton then. Cool. There’s more running on my Facebook where a ‘memory’ pops up of MD and I doing a 10k at Catton Park, eight years ago. We made the podium but we never got the doggie buff we were promised.

The boys and I go dogging on Wednesday then L has her tennis on Thursday. I also cycle on Thursday and manage to find a route by road to the Highfield Lane bridge without getting lost.

Then on Friday I get my masseur in. It’s been a while, over a year. He seems pleased to see me and my calves.

(Friday 3rd May)

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