"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday 9 July 2020

Five Miles Naked

I run on Sunday but my watch chucks in the towel before I do. It just won’t charge up over 25% at the moment and I will attempt to get Garmin to replace it.

We take our first post Lockdown trip to the pub after they reopened on Saturday. We go to the Scribblers and the Organ Grinder after walk past Rock City's new car park garden. Blue Monkey were really on the money at the Organ Grinder where we have our temperature checked on entry and the staff were in full PPE. It was a bit more relaxed at the Scribblers but both could do with taking arrival\departure times and party size to be more helpful to Track and Trace.
On Tuesday I attempt to put another foot into the new normal with a game of tennis but this, just like in the old normal, is cancelled by the weather. We will try again next week.

On Wednesday after wins against a load of mid table teams who had nothing to play for, Derby come unstuck when they play second placed West Bromwich Albion and lose 2-0. Unfortunately, they now have to play quite a few of the top sides before the end of the season.

On Thursday L goes for an x-ray on her fractured elbow at her GP's insistence which is almost as exciting as being locked down but it comes up negative. The good news is she won’t be put in plaster but the bad news is there’s no cure other than rest and self physio.

We have the painters in this week, painting the hall and an upstairs bedroom, which curtails our movements around the house somewhat but the dogs seem to have adapted quite well to kipping in their baskets which are now my home office.

The Lad is up for run after spending all day stuck in an office with me and we go out on Thursday to run five miles naked, as in without my Garmin which has gone back to be replaced.

(Thursday 9th July)

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