"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Groundhog Day

After the practice sessions with L on Saturday, Daughter makes it up to Nottingham Police HQ on Monday in her new car despite the weather throwing an extra challenge in her way and becoming a little icy. It was difficult enough staying upright walking the boys this morning but then I did have the Lad, which is always a problem.

In the afternoon she has to get down to their training centre in West Bridgford which she also adeptly manages and successfully parks. This might have been four foot from the kerb of course but who’s counting.

On Tuesday, she and some colleagues fail the temperature gun test but they are still allowed at work. Although they wouldn’t have got in the Organ Grinder, the ex-military chap there is very forceful with his gun test. Yet a few days later she has to self isolate for fourteen days after coming into contact with a colleague who has since tested positive.

Steve McClaren is back at Derby for the fifth time. First as a player, then assistant manager, then manager twice and now he’s technical director as Wayne Rooney rakes sole charge of managing the team itself after Derby lose again, staying rooted to the bottom of the league.

Size isn’t everything but we have now gone large and boast a 55 inch TV. Even the Lad approves although the squirrels look much larger and menacing on it.

It is announced that at the end of the current lockdown almost the entire Midlands including the whole of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire will go into Tier 3 but it’s a different Tier 3 to last time. Last month’s Tier 3 is now called Tier 2. We will have shops, hairdressers, and gyms open but no pubs, theatres, cinemas, restaurants, coffee shops or cafes. If your hobby is shopping you’re ok but if it’s anything else you’re basically still locked down.

After another death defying trip to Asda I head over to deliver the shopping to my folks, so we miss our walk with L but the boys seem to forget they’ve missed out on a walk when the ginger biscuits come out.

On Saturday L requests that we watch Groundhog Day which neither of us can remember ever seeing. It is entirely appropriate in these Lockdown times when one day is pretty much like the previous one. The weekends differ from the week slightly in that Sunday is a Groundhog Day of Saturday for us with two consecutive lie-ins until noon. Which is all the Lad’s fault for Groundhog Daying us every morning all week by getting us up pre-dawn.

(Saturday 28th November)

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