"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 23 November 2018

Andrex Puppy Take 2

There is nothing worse than a bored puppy. The lad has another go at being the Andrex puppy and although he’s getting better, I don’t think he’s quite got the hang of it yet. All toilet rolls now go in the bathroom cupboard.

He’ll be even more bored later in the week as the park is closed Wednesday to Friday.

Thankfully for his energy levels, dog training goes ahead on Monday and on Tuesday.

L and Daughter dump their old running club and go along to try a different one at Redhill near Daughter’s work. L is worried that they’ll all be super speedy but then isn’t the purpose of any running club to be speedy? I’m sure they’ll both fit in very well. I just hope they’ve packed their fastest trainers.

On Tuesday I manage to bike to work and on Wednesday I run again but blimey, it isn’t warm. I end up in Long Eaton again and again finish up on the Indigo. I don't amass any new injuries.

I’m back in London on Tuesday but in more accessible Islington this time, so I get to go on the train. First Class naturally. As usual lunch was courtesy of Tesco Express but they did make me a coffee for once.

The day went well and I even got to leave early. Leaving enough time for a pint of HSB and to check out the watches at Swatch stall to pick my own Christmas pressie.

L tells me she is definitely handing in her notice to the tennis group tonight but then she has a great time and doesn’t.

With the park shut on Friday we run with the dogs which is always a laugh.

(Friday 23rd November)

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