"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Nothing Pleases Like Maltesers

L’s Mother has been rather inundated with chocolate over Christmas and I am asked to dispose of it, which is a service I provide free of charge. Most particularly the 48 bags and 3 boxes of Maltesers that she received this year which is the outcome of coming out as a self-confessed Maltesers addict a few years ago. As they say 'Nothing pleases like Maltesers'.

I take a couple of boxes to work with me. They've not been opened yet though, it’s a bit early in the year for such debauchery. 

Not that I ever start the year with any New Year’s Resolutions because if you decide to give up your vices you don’t actually live any longer, it’s just your life becomes so tedious and boring that it seems longer.

On Friday I’m on the bike again, that’s the third time in less than two weeks, but it was hard and into the wind all the way.

Saturday is Parkrun again. It seems to be almost a daily occurrence at the moment. We run at Shipley Park and I remember why I don’t like it too much there as the second lap gets the Lad and I up caught in traffic. It’s still a Shipley PB for us though. Then I drop L at Pilates.

We stay in later ahead of Sunday’s Sherwood Pines 10k.

(Saturday 4th January)

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