"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 12 March 2020


Daughter is clearly on a roll. After passing her driving test last week, today she is told she’s passed her police interview. So she's now on to the next stage of this interminable process. All she has to do now is pass the fitness test, a medical, an eye test and a drugs test.

The Government moves the country into its ‘delay’ phase of its four stage strategy to combat the coronavirus. Last week’s ‘contain’ approach seems to have be binned rather quickly. Meanwhile, with several countries in lockdown mode, the county itself has gone into full blown panic mode and has started stock piling toilet paper. Stock piling something you can’t eat isn’t really a strategy I can understand.

Many supermarkets are limiting ‘key’ items to just FIVE each e.g. loo roll, tissues, anti-bacterial gel, dried pasta, tinned vegetables and UHT milk. Why would you want FIVE of any of them and none of them are on my shopping list at Sainsbury’s on Monday. Perhaps I’m just not getting it.

On Tuesday I run a fast-ish 8k and then bike on Wednesday as I taper before Ashby on Sunday. L goes over to Daughter's gym in Sherwood for a weights session before returning home with squirty mustard and prawn crackers. These were two items I couldn’t get from Sainsburys on Monday but not, I don’t think, due to others manic stockpiling. So, we’re all sorted for a wild night in if they quarantine us.

I meet my now retired ex-colleague for pizza at the Yard on Wednesday where they tell us that the 2-for-1 pizza offer is now only available from 5pm-7pm, which is no use to us. They assure us it has nothing to do with anyone stockpiling pizzas. Later L goes to PT and I go dogging.

The World Health Organisation declares the virus outbreak a pandemic and by Thursday Madrid marathon is cancelled, L’s sister cancels her 25th Wedding Anniversary in Cork, Nottingham Forest’s owner declares he has the virus, as does Arsenal’s manager Mikel Arteta and the new Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announces a £12bn package of emergency support to help the country cope with what is coming. It’s getting serious.

UK races start to be cancelled including some local ones like the Kilburn 10K. My fingers and toes are crossed for Ashby, who still seem very bullish about going ahead.

(Thursday 12th March)

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