"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 13 June 2014

Disaster On Friday The 13th

It’s Friday 13th but I bike anyway. Naturally disaster strikes and a much older chap overtakes me as if I wasn’t there. Then again, that happens most Fridays and Tuesdays, Thursdays etc etc

L and I have swapped audiobooks. She is listening to my Red Sparrow book about a Russian honey trap spy. 

I’m reading her Gone Girl book about a girl who’s, well, gone. It’s fair to say that both books are annoying us. L bemoans her male author who deems a description of the lead female character jerking off with a hairbrush necessary. Funny that, I bemoan my female author who deems a description of the lead male character jerking off in the shower, notwithstanding without the use of a hairbrush, necessary.

(Friday 13th June)

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