"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 4 January 2019

We Have A Winner

Back at work and on the bike, riding still on my old pedals. The boys and I have scheduled changing to my Christmas pedals for this evening. I’m sure the Lad will be fascinated and very helpful... L gets well out of the way and goes over to visit her folks.

We have discovered that the Lad doesn’t like oranges. I suppose there had to be something. In fact in the photo that L took after she retrieved the stolen orange off him he looks petrified of them. Either that or it’s L’s telling off that’s scared him.

On Thursday, I’m on the bus and due to the light traffic I'm on time for work for once. There’s no squash this week because it’s Race Three of 5k Winter Series but also apparently not next week either as he says he went on the scales this morning and didn’t like what he saw. He should have spent all Christmas running like we did.

That Christmas running must have paid off as I’m quicker again, clocking 21:53 and that was without a dog. L is quick too, so quick in fact that she wins her age category. We don’t find this out until later though and leave before the presentation. Her friend has picked up the bottle of cheap plonk on L’s behalf. I don’t reckon we’ll be leaving the next one early.

I do even more running on Friday. I run from work to the centre of Long Eaton a distance of 14.5km and then get the bus the rest of the way. I meet L at Hillside where she’s been walking the boys round the University.

(Friday 4th January)

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