"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 19 October 2018

A Bit Of Lashing

On Tuesday I am dispatched by work to what turns out to be a torturous project meeting in Birmingham bookended by two torturous slow crawls through the traffic at either end. Which, of course, is always the way these days.

I am home in time to dogging however, our second batch in two days. Monday's ended with us meeting L from Derby where she’d been out on the lash. Well, on the lash-lite anyway.

Wednesday is my turn for a bit of lashing in Derby, as I head to the Alexandra and then the Brunswick after work. Again it’s a lite-ish session, L and I can do the heavy stuff together at the weekend.

L and Daughter meanwhile go for a zigzag with the boys. Strapping a dog to Daughter is fast becoming the only way to slow Daughter down on a run. She is getting quicker all the time and has now even enlisted a personal trainer.

I manage to bike on Thursday and L has her tennis in the evening. After which we hot foot it to the Beer Festival. As her tennis doesn’t finish until 9pm I pre-booked a taxi to get us there as quickly as possible. Naturally we didn’t expect a pre-booked taxi to turn up fifteen minutes late.

The beer festival this year is at the Ice Stadium while the Castle is renovated. They have received a lot of grief for this mainly because it’s indoors. Personally an outdoor festival in a drafty marquee in the middle of October was never a pulling point for me but each to their own.

This year I’m warm, there’s plenty of seating and lots of space. They have created a few outdoor areas to keep the doubters happy but there really was no need. Indoors is fine. I felt that the festival had almost come home, the old festivals used to be indoors at the Victoria Leisure Centre in Sneinton and I haven’t had such a good time at the beer festival since the last one of those. Long may it continue.

We have some great, and largely local, beer from Thornbridge, Lincoln Green, Lenton Lane, Lines, Navigation and Blue Monkey. Ah yes, Blue Monkey. They supply the beers of the night in Chimperial Stout at 8.5% and their birthday celebration beer Woody Bourbon at 6.7%

Shock news. On Friday I go to the gym after work.

(Friday 19th October)

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