"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 5 October 2018

Brave New World

L asks if I’m basking in my Half Marathon glory. Of course not, no one is impressed with my efforts because they all think I’m nuts.

I have an extra committee meeting on Monday as we attempt to sort out a new venue for next year’s dog show and we make the decision to start a brave new world at Locko Park.

Tuesday is dogging night and then on Wednesday morning I get to do park duties. We manage to arrange our ball game around a stag that was sat right in the middle of the field. L said it was there yesterday as well, so perhaps its stuffed. It is a busy day for the dogs because later they go off with L and Daughter for a running foursome while I'm at the match.

The Government announces that they will introduce legislation so that all couples will be able to choose to have a civil partnership. Yay. So L and I will be able to officially choose to not get married. You do still have to pay for this though but £50 doesn’t seem too unreasonable.

We just need to wait until the Government get around to finalising the legislation of course, which probably won’t be until they have Brexit sorted. So not in our lifetime then.

L does her tennis on Thursday but my squash is off again as my opponent's car has exploded and needs a new engine. This is the thing with old cars, you have to pre-empt the big bang. There’s had only done 190,000 miles, ours has done 220,000.

This allows me to attempt to get Glastonbury coach tickets, which I don’t get. This can be filed (once again) alongside the Later With Jools tickets we never get and the London Marathon which also seems to be continuing to blank me. 

(Friday 5th October)

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