"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Crunch time! ONLY 1,000 entries to go!

On Monday I have a Committee Meeting as we build up towards our Summer Show at the end of July.

Tuesday I have dog training while L goes to Running Club. She has an Agility, Balance and Coordination Session. So it sounds like the Lad and her are doing pretty much the same workout.

I have an enquiry from a Borderdoodle to join the club, well from its owner. L immediately says she wants one. Which is pretty much the standard response to any puppy photo. They are, however, a lot of money for a mongrel and it’ll only jump the dog gate to eat the post. I’d also expect a tail for that sort of money. 

Subject to what some might say, I have actually forgiven the Lad for not having a tail (sort of). I’m not sure that L has yet forgiven him for not being a spaniel. She does say she has but I'm not allowed to tell him.

I cycle to work on Wednesday. L meanwhile is in London for work. Some have called her a workaholic. In her rush to get to the free biscuits in First Class she seems to have failed to put up the barricade to dog proof the dog gate. I don’t find any postal damage when I get home but I assume the Lad spent the day upstairs.

Thursday is tennis for both L and me. She joins in our warm up before heading off to her own session.

The Brighton Marathon emails to say it’s ‘Crunch time! ONLY 1,000 entries to go!’. I’m keen to do it but I’m waiting for the girls to make up their minds. L’s sister appears to be panicking that L might be serious about entering.  
L then tells me ‘If you're entering, I'm entering’. That’s fighting talk. I suppose whether L enters or not is down to whether I click on the clink that is current open in my browser.

She says to ‘Go ahead and click’. So I do. Cue ‘Wow! OMG! Panic! I shall just tell my sister’. Seconds later they are both in. Now ONLY 997 entries to go

Now as she says she just got to get off her bum and train for it. Not that she’s ever sat on her bum. Slumped on her side asleep in the evenings perhaps but on her bum, never. She’s always walking, running, gyming, swimming, tennis-ing somewhere etc etc.

(Thursday 20th June)

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