"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Tuesday, 28 April 2015


OMG. We have both forgotten something. Today is MD’s birthday. I even thoughtlessly kicked him off the bed this morning so that I could snuggle up to L. No wonder he was grumpy... but then he’s always grumpy.

L says she’ll do him a sausage, will try to be nice to him and will take full responsibility for the latest hole in the lawn. I’ll kill him anyway, even if I have to wait until when it’s not his birthday to do it.

Another day, another birthday and another trot. I wasn’t planning on going, it just happened. I really don’t know what came over me. I ran 4.3k this time. A few things twanged but nothing snapped. Promising.

I am out in Derby tonight with my old friends from school. They have a nice dark ale on in the Brunswick and another one, Penny’s Porter, in the pub formerly known as the Royal Standard where we eat. I have a half decent Rogan Josh and afterwards the three of us share an ice cream board which is a novelty. Five ice creams each severed in beer glasses on one of their beer tasting trays.

(Tuesday 28th April)

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