"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Still Under The Weather

We go to the Forest Rec parkrun, where a still under the weather L does another under the weather time and I chuck balls. 

After coffee in their cafe, I take the boys home and head off to yet another lunch time kick off where Derby County are trying to resurrect their faltering season at home to Brentford. The Rams salvage a 1-1 draw with a very late undeserved equaliser. As resurrections go, it's hardly majestic.

In the evening, we stay in to rest our dubious health before the Derby bike ride tomorrow. Beer stocks are that low at home so I have to resort to L’s Leffe, which she eyes suspiciously as that is one of the things she blames for her illness.

(Saturday 11th April)

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