"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 20 April 2015

Signed Off?

She may have managed the Derby 10k but L confesses that her back is actually rather bad. Oh dear. She cancels at of this week's exercise classes and books a doctor's appointment. Oh dear. Worrying but sensible. I tell her that if she’s lucky she might get signed off for a fortnight. She’s not happy at that thought.

The dog club has a committee meeting tonight from which some key people are missing. This means that some decisions which were taken last year are overturned but may well get overturned again once they are back. The joys of committees.

My first birthday card arrives, a week early. from L’s well organised sister who is abroad all week. What it actually means is she doesn’t trust anyone else to post it on her behalf. 

(Monday 20th April)

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