"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Delivery Boys And Girls

Not tapering again, I’m on the bike again and it’s quite windy this morning but at least it's cooler.

Apparently the Tennis Centre has reopened after their tournaments so we get to play a game. They allocate us Court 11, wherever that is. You used to follow the signs... until they removed them all and gave the courts names instead.

L goes to aquarobics again and we change our choice of pubs to the Crown which is nearer to the tram stop to give her a better chance of getting there in good time. The tram itself still takes ages though.

Then we have to play delivery boy and girl as we take Daughter's huge suitcase back to her. It came laden with dirty washing and is returned full of clean washing. Not a bad service. 

(Thursday 22nd June)

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