"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Everyone Blaming Everyone Else

I take the car to Nottingham station and get the train down to London. Today I have to slum it and travel Second Class as an open return costs a mere £170 but First Class is another £70.

It’s a long day with slow progress, after which the system is still not working. Everyone is blaming everyone else.

I eventually escape and rush back to get the 5.15 train home, so don’t get much needed pint in Parcel Shelf.

I get home before L, who is out power-walking. Dog free as well, not that we have a dog capable of power-walking these days. Our intrepid explorer ends up in Beeston but she neglects to power-walk back and gets the tram.

(Tuesday 13th June)

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