"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Brilliantly Tactical

Today we have a dog show at Uttoxeter Racecourse. L contemplates joining us but then instead opts for a brick session back at home. That’s cycling and running to you.

Meanwhile I rev MD up for the first of his five runs. Then I rev him back down for the next one. Both give the same result and it’s not a good one. He refuses at practically every tunnel on practically every course. So we now have a new addition to the family because I’ve bought one for home.

We did get a clear in ‘Take your own line’ which I was really looking forward to but we were unplaced. We rarely get this type of class and this is the first one I’ve done with MD. Basically you can do the obstacles in any order you like, as long as you do every one and every one only once. It sounds simple but it’s also brilliantly tactical because obviously you’re looking for the shortest and fastest route. Sadly this type of class is rarely run because it carries no Kennel Club points.

Yes, I did say five runs for MD, which is rather generous of the organisers, and the usual one for Doggo. Well that was the theory. Having completed MD’s runs, we then hung around for a couple of hours waiting for Doggo’s run. Only to be told Large dogs like him would not be allowed to jump the lowest height even those who are 13 years old. Not so generous of the organisers.

In all the normal competition classes the Kennel Club have nailed down the rules so that everyone knows where they stand but the Veteran class’s rules are left up to the organising club themselves and this club has banned him. In three years of running Veteran classes I’d never come across this before. It’s time the Kennel Club legislated. I don’t run him and we head home.

In the evening we head into Beeston. Eat at the Victoria, then move on to the Star (which was again disappointing) and the Crown before heading home.

(Saturday 16th August)

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