"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Plot Lost

So, my little pocket rocket is in the Jumping Cup Final for the second year running. He won his heat way back in December, which is ages ago and we seem to have lost the plot somewhat since then. Last year he came 6th, this year... I hate to think. He has developed a serious hatred of tunnels of late.

He has four warm up events first. Run one - first tunnel fine, second tunnel refused. This is followed by a terrible second run where he refused almost everything, so we’re not speaking. Come to think of it, ignoring him is about the only tactic I haven’t tried. It might just work.

It didn’t.

We reach the final not warmed up at all and without a clear round but there were definitely more good bits than bad bits in his last two runs. However we have still refused a tunnel in every course today. The last of those runs had four tunnels in it, FFS, but we did get three of them. So perhaps that’s progress. Just the final to do now.

There are two tunnels in it...

First one... fine.

Second one... Oh FFS, but at least we entertained the crowd.

(Sunday 24th August)

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