"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Disaster Befalls

It’s again very damp on the bike today but still great fun. Well apart from my dodgy brakes obviously.

Pub lunch today, of which L says she’s very jealous. They have a Smoked Porter on. Yum. She wouldn’t have been jealous of that.

I get hammered 0-5 at squash and fall on wrist, injuring it. Yes another injury but at least I have the sense to fall on my none-playing hand. I did consider hitting the ground with my elbow but thought that might hurt even more. It’s funny how you get time to make these choices as disaster befalls you.

I’m also still wheezing like a cart horse, an old injured one that is.

(Thursday 27th November)

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