"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Off To Manchester For Tea

With L’s race being yesterday, I’m lost with what to do with the dogs today... so we visit the park for the first time in ages.

In the evening we pop over to Manchester for tea. Just the two hours there and two hours back, as you do. Of course we visit Daughter as well.

In fact the girls take the opportunity to do a training run whilst the dogs and I drive straight to the pub. We have singled out two pubs that are allied to the ones in Leamington (White Horse) and Sheffield (Lescar) that we go to. Option 1 - the Woodstock Arms is full, so we move on to the Stokers Arms which has sadly run out of roasts. The beer is Adnams Ghost Ship, which isn’t very Mancunian but is quite good.

(Sunday 30th November)

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