"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 23 January 2015

A Selfless Sacrifice

It’s -1C, I take the bus and plan to run later.

L skips the pool, has a rest day, and goes to Sainsbury's instead. Emerging with a new coat and a new jumper. This girl can, indeed.

When I stress that surely she didn’t need any more jumpers. She explains that isn’t the point. Must be a girl thing. She’ll be over my knee later.

Again on the subject of ‘this girl can’ (sort of), the Daily Mail (who else) report on the extreme dangers posed to men by their women who go ‘cowgirl’ on them. Often incurring injuries that result in a trip to A&E. Us men, of course, put a brave face on this and tough it out in a selfless sacrifice in aid of our women’s fitness regimes.

I run home from Stapleford and it’s another steady improvement. I just hope L has got the mouth to mouth resuscitation ready.

(Friday 23rd January)

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