"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Hidden Depths

Second day on the bike and now everything is throbbing. What I need is a nice reviving steak casserole in the pub at lunchtime but they have none. Fish and chips has to do but at least they have Nottingham’s own Tuck Porter on.

Tonight L runs up to Ruddington for Kettlercise. She always wanted to know what you can get up to with a kettlebell and, well, now she knows all the moves.

It gives us the chance to revisit one of the haunts of old, the Three Crowns pub. So opponent and I head there for our post-match pint or his case, post-match glass of water. I hope they do good water because the beer has been a bit naff there for a while. It was good once.It's nothing special tonight.

I lose 1-4 at squash but three of them were close, really close. I console myself with that thought and the fact I’m starting to feel a lot fitter as I limp home afterwards. I also discover that my conqueror is now an award winning author, having won a short story competition on the internet. Very well hidden depths.

(Thursday 19th March)

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