"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Dog Frisbee (A Work In Progress)

This morning we do Mansfield Woodhouse parkrun, continuing L’s grand tour and for a bit of variety. I run with MD again on their three lap course (please shoot me afterwards), so I’ll put the fact that we were 40 seconds slower than last time down to dizziness.

I’ve opted for the 5k parkrun today rather than a 10k tomorrow thinking this will be a better way of ‘ending’ my training for the Nottingham Half. As in less chance of injury over half the distance.

I can now start feeling very guilty for spending the week ahead tapering after this harsh non-training regime I’ve been putting myself through. I do feel that my base fitness is good so, according to what ‘they’ say, my ability to run a long distance should purely be a mental issue...
We end the morning with a game of dog Frisbee which goes ok but could have gone better if I actually knew how to throw a Frisbee and if Doggo didn’t keep trying to eat it. MD seemed just as happy to bring it back as he does a ball. I just need to master the throwing of it. He is supposed to pluck it out of the air rather that simply wait for it to stop rolling.

In the evening we meet Daughter on neutral ground in Sheffield. I’m always up for a night in the Sheffield Tap so it sounds a good plan to me. Unfortunately Daughter turns up not having eaten for three weeks and the Tap doesn’t do food, so we wave the exciting range of beers goodbye and look for somewhere else.

We look for and eventually find, after some considerable searching, the Rutland Arms. They also have some exciting beers and an odd food menu but the food turns out to be excellent.

(Saturday 19th September)

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