"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

A Huge Disappointment

A triathlete disappears in Leybourne Lakes during the swim section of his début event and they don’t find him for two days. I’m really not sure how that could happen. When they do find him, of course he’s dead. Not good.

On a happier swimming note, the new Harvey Hadden pool opens today but the swim timetable is a huge disappointment. The timetable has absolutely nothing of any use to me, all 50m swims are either 6am or 9pm. So looks like I’ll be staying at John Carroll after all.

L suggests we try the 50m lane swim 9pm tonight, so we give it a go.We ogle the gym first where they have the MyWellness software on the TechnoGym equipment like a Derby. It’s the only variation on the norm.

The centre itself looks fantastic, it’s just a shame about the lack of swimming sessions. There are three people doing Aquafit amid the swimming club and some 25m lane sessions tonight. They do look out of place and are the only thing preventing the whole length being opened up.

I’m not sure my calf is up to many lengths but then apparently doggie paddle is all in vogue now. I manage 18 50m lengths. 

(Tuesday 1st September)

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