"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 1 February 2016

A Bit Of Rough

Blimey it's rough out there. I understand we're now on Storm Henry but personally I haven’t really noticed any let up since Gertrude started throwing her weight around. Maybe the storm has had a sex change? No wonder Gertrude aka Henry is pissed off. Transgender storms, whatever next.

I get the bus and leave the bike at home. L, however, is running. I just hope the wind is behind her.

We have a new venue for tonight’s committee meeting that none us actually remembers agreeing to but all the same we meet in Spondon for the first time. L runs to us there after running first with a friend in Ockbrook.

She then starts to walk the boys homeward and I collect them all on the way.

(Monday 1st February)

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