"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Friday, 19 February 2016

Bible Stories

On the bus.

Did I mention L is reading the Bible? She's already up to page 4.

She's prĂ©cising it for me. The story so far... creation of the world, Adam and Eve, a naughty snake, Adam and Eve have sex and have Cain (or was it Abel?), the favouring of one son (can't remember which one) = jealousy (and crap parenting) and hence murder (but jails haven’t been invented yet). There's a man with two wives and Adam and Eve have Seth to replace the dead Cain/Abel. Apparently it's Noah's Ark tonight. 

I pop to Derby Beer Festival at lunchtime, which is also the National Winter Ales Festival for the third and last time before it moves to Norwich next year. After a half of Dunham Massey Porter 5.2% and half of trusty Owd Rodger I’m fortified now for the afternoon and this evening’s rain soaked run.

Actually during my 14.2k run it doesn’t rain on me once which is a bit of a result.

Another Friday (sponsored by the Daily Mail) and Chinese Takeaway tonight.

(Friday 19th February)

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