"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 14 March 2016


I’m feeling much better this morning, 99.99999% well but that final 0.00001% is proving stubbornly evasive. The calf is rising up the improvement charts as well, although not as quickly and I didn’t get a roll this morning either.

Nonetheless, in the evening, I attempt a one legged no breathing swim at the pool. The fast lane empties for me when I arrive. Either I look fast or I must look really ill. I have the lane to myself for a short while then a chap who is actually fast gets in and whips my ass.

Rumour has it that Monday dogging will be back from next week, apparently the floodlights aren’t working at the moment otherwise we would have been on for this week.

We both fall about laughing watching the highlights from this year’s Crufts when they describe the Border Collie as the Ferrari of the dog world. We take a good long look at Doggo and realise that we have a Skoda in the family.

(Monday 14th March)

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