It was cheap ‘n’ cheerful then and not much seems to have
changed. In fact, if anything, it’s got cheaper as according to my blog back then it had km markers. Although it appears they weren’t very accurate and not
necessarily in the right order. Well it doesn’t have km markers any more
perhaps because they simply gave away the fact that the 5k route was only 4.5k.
As far as I can tell the 10k is accurate although there are
still no marshals ensuring you do the two
lap loop around the Ferry Boat Inn at Stoke Bardolph or even signs telling
you that’s what you have to do. These loops were mentioned at the pre-race
briefing but only about five people heard that, so cheating is probably rife
but possibly not deliberate. Folk will most likely say it doesn’t matter as
there are no marshals at the finish ether and therefore no results.
I have to do this one without MD, considering which my time
of 44:31 probably isn’t very good although the route is very icy underfoot.
Most races would have been called off in such conditions as we well know.
Still, a run is a run and I’ve managed to pack quite a lot of
training in to the festive period.
(Monday 2nd January)
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