"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

The Unrelenting Pace Of It All

Back in swim training this morning and it was horrific but then I expected it to be. Tuesday’s always are as they only have two lanes open at Harvey Hadden, so no lane for a mid-paced plodder like me.

There was just the six of us in my lane so it could have been worse, although not much, and it was all the flippers, paddles, floats etc. There were so many of them piled up at the end of the lane along with drinks bottles, training plans etc that I almost didn’t know where to get in... and then, of course, there was the unrelenting pace of it all. I will be asleep under my desk in a bit.

Of course L swims at John Carroll and gets a lane to herself. 

(Tuesday 30th May)

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