"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 22 May 2017

A Man In Total Pain

There is no swim this morning as I simply wouldn’t have been capable, so I drive to work and despite struggling with stairs, I’m otherwise fine. I even manage to successfully hobble around Sainsburys to get the shopping.

L thanks me for providing the entertainment over the weekend and says she’s ready for her weekend now. Ah, she doesn’t feel like she’d had a weekend then! No, me neither and it’s quite a few days until the next one. The dogs do seems to have had a weekend and don't seem to mind not going out this morning.

The Half Outlaw photos show me as man in total pain and that was taken before I found out that the partner of our new dog club member, who dabbles herself in swim-bike-run, did it in 5:10. Ouch! He was only that slow because he was taking it easy because it was just part of his training for the Lakesman Ironman in a month’s time. I just hope his photos were equally ugly but somehow I doubt it.

I also hobble off to dog training where there are just the two of us. Thankfully we finished early because we’re both knackered but my training partner didn’t have anywhere near as good an excuse as me.

(Monday 22nd May)

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