"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Christmas Races

The debate on Christmas races goes along the lines of a choice between races that offer a Christmas pudding that we may never get around to eating or ones that offer a holly laden red t-shirt that will probably never get worn. It’s a tough decision but simpler for me this year as I’m still too crocked to run.

It’s a t-shirt this time and the Bolsover 10k that drags me out of bed on another Sunday morning. We are told to park in the town centre and walk up to Bolsover School for the start. They do have bacon rolls though but L has to hold the boys who are banned from the grounds of the school where they have put both the race HQ and the butty van.

Then the  race start almost collides with several cars as the police completely fail to close the road. It’s a close shave but they get away with it.

The t-shirt is, as expected, red.

Afterwards we head across country to Darley Dale and DFS’s bed shop. They don’t have that much on display but they do have the one I’ve seen on the internet. Luckily L likes it too. I’d hate to have to coerce her to come to bed with me.

Whether Doggo will like it or not, I’m not sure. Not only will he have to climb the stairs to our new bedroom but the new bed has a foot board. It will be like jumping hurdles, which obviously he used to be very good at, back in the day.

We order it and some bedroom furniture. We’ve even ordered a new mattress. L has complained that the old one is to blame for her bad knee. So best to get that sorted then.

We spend the evening in the Horse and Jockey.

(Sunday 14th December)

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