"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Monday, 15 December 2014

Double Green Blob

Dog training is surprisingly on. Seconds after I get the text saying it’s on, it starts raining. I expect a second message to say they’ve changed their mind but it doesn’t come. So wellies at the ready then. It will be the last session before next year.

Nottingham wins at the Clean Britain Awards. A lot of Nottingham is very shabby at the moment but to be fair they are always picking up the rubbish and vomit in the town centre, so maybe it’s deserved.

L skips her classes tonight. Too ill perhaps? But she does her Tuesday run instead. She ought to get a double green blob on her training plan for doing Tuesday's run early whilst also under the influence of a cold.

(Monday 15th December)

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