"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Squash Club Night Out

L is now officially ill with a full blown cold.

The carpet man braves the germs to measure us up for carpet in our new bedroom. We are ordering the same dog proof carpet that we had put down in the lounge because it has proven to be as dog proof as they promised. We still need to pop back to Beeston to choose the colour. Last time we had Associated Weavers' Temptation in pastel beige, which sounds almost erotic.

L stays off work and upsets the dogs’ sleep patterns. Well one of the dogs’ sleep patterns, Doggo is just pleased to have access to the bedroom so he can curl up on the duvet.

L declares herself fit enough to attend the annual Squash club meal out, which is tonight. We have booked a table for four, that’s opponent and me with our plus ones, at the Jewel. Which is a new posh Indian restaurant that has replaced the much loved Globe pub on London Road. I’m not sure it’ll be there long as it’s always empty and we’re the only ones in tonight. The food is good though and they honour a 25% discount for online booking even though their online booking isn’t working.

I manage to eat despite pulling a muscle in my side during the game. Yes, another injury. That happened at 1-0 down but with me in the lead in game two. Somehow I managed to hang on to level at 1-1 but the rest of the match was very one-sided after that as I could barely left my arm.

(Thursday 18th December)

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