"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Nothing Snaps

To work off last night’s festive meal and to prepare for tonight’s festive meal there’s the workout of a festive lie-in. Then in case that’s not enough, we do a festive gym session. It is almost a year since I last went.

The City Council rather un-festively turn off most of the equipment, meaning there’s a queue for the lone exercise bike. So I open with a 1k row before finally getting a bike to do 10k there. Then after some leg weights, I attempt a 1k run. Nothing snaps.

Tonight’s meal is with Son in Leamington at the White Horse. His girlfriend has already departed for home but we are again joined by L’s parents and younger brother. We pre-enact Christmas Day, exchanging presents. The Ox-cheek pie isn’t bad even if it isn’t actually a pie. A pie is not a pie if it is served in a dish.

There are leftovers for the boys and presents for under the tree. As soon as we get home Doggo fixes his gaze on the doggie mince pies that he knows are among them.

(Sunday 21st December)

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