"for the happy, the sad, I don't want to be, another page in your diary"

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Nothing Like Last Weekend

Off work now and setting up the dog show.

Our own tent is soon up, then it’s a case of putting up the ten ring tents up and setting up all the agility equipment.

The sun out, then in again, then out again, then there’s the occasional heavy downpour to contend with but at least there’s no mud. At least nothing like last weekend.

L texts to say she’ll be in the Last Heretic at 7.30 but not to rush as she has three books and G&T money. I rush over to save her from herself but find her on the Oatmeal Stout rather than the G&Ts. Then we go to the nearby Indian for food. 

(Thursday 27th July)

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